Location: San Tan Valley Area, Pinal County AZ
Entities: Pinal County Community Development, Arizona Department of Health Services, Pinal County Public Health Services District, San Tan Valley Community
Organization Site:

Project Info:
This HIA was in coordination with Pinal County Community Development Department’s update of their Special Area Plan for the San Tan Valley, which unlike their broader, county-wide Comprehensive Plan, provides more detailed recommendations for a clearly defined area. The plans update affected Land Use, Housing, Economic Vitality, Transportation, Parks, Trails, and Open Space, and Public Facilities and Services. With funding from AZDHS, the Pinal County Public Health Services District worked with Michael Baker International to engage in this HIA with the overall intent to explore how the STV SAP might impact the community’s health in relation to physical activity (through better streets, trails, parks and rec. facilities, etc.) for a range of health outcomes.