Location: Verde Valley, AZ
Entities: Arizona Department of Health Services, Yavapai County Helath Services, Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) PARA
Organization Site:
ADOT-PARA PROJECT: HIA to assess health opportunities associated with the update of the 2009 Verde Valley Multi-modal Transportation Plan.
This HIA examined how the proposed long-term transportation improvements in the 2009 Verde Valley Multimodal Transportation Plan could affect residents’ health, safety, mobility, and access to services. Verde Valley is made up of several rural towns and communities connected by state highways and the population includes high percentages of older adults, people with disabilities, and people without access to vehicles. This HIA was conducted by ADHS and Yavapai County Health Services in conjunction with an Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Planning Assistance for Rural Areas (PARA) project. Stakeholders from all the towns and cities in Verde Valley were engaged in the HIA process. The HIA described the health consequences of various motorized, pedestrian, and public transportation options and recommended new bicycle and pedestrian facilities along state routes and increased transit service. The HIA report served as a guidebook for the Verde Valley Transportation Planning Organization to use while updating the county’s Master Transportation Plan.